Some are busy spiralizing courgettes to make courgetti dishes (a portmanteau most succulent). Others use their spiralizers for carrots to bring style to quinoa.
So it’s with a cheeky felicity that I proffer these Chocolate Spiral Biscuits for your pudding bowls. (See? Spiral. Phonetically twinned!). Although that’s where the similarity ends.
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I firmly believe cold and dark January evenings are best spent baking indoors. You need something sweet and understanding to lift you. That’s where these cookies come in: virtuously light and fluffy, like a cake in the middle, but with a crunchy exterior that gently crumbles.
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I don’t know why gingerbread is typically confined to December, as I happily make it all year round. Here is my fool-proof gingerbread recipe.
Continue reading Easy Gingerbread Recipe →

Call off the search – the hunt is over. Here is the recipe for big, chewy cookies. You know, like the ones you buy in the bakery? Except better, because you will have made them, with generous chunks of chocolate instead of little chips. And better still, they’re SO easy to make. I’ve tried baking with both white chocolate and milk chocolate because I wanted an excuse to eat loads of cookies thought it was really important to do proper research for this blog post and I’ve come to the conclusion that both kinds of chocolate work extremely well with this recipe. I also found out that these cookies are washed down perfectly by a homemade vanilla milkshake. Never let it be said that I don’t work for this blog.
Continue reading Chewy Cookies Recipe →
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