Category Archives: Lifestyle

Pear Upside-Down Cake

Pear Upside-Down Cake

This luxurious pear upside-down cake is a cracking teatime bake (its top cracks so pleasingly) for friends coming over at ‘Twixtmas’ – the fun festive time between Christmas and New Year. The juiciness of the pears with the richness of the sponge make it cake perfection. Your tastebuds are pulled all over the place. Light / indulgent.

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Best Products for Spot Prone Skin

Between the age of 13 and 18 I seldom got spots. And then, when I was 19, a mere 3 weeks before starting university, I suddenly got a number of big, bright red blemishes that wouldn’t go away. I knew I had to do something as I didn’t want my confidence knocked just as I was going to meet lots of new people at uni. Although I didn’t quite manage to completely ‘cure’ the spot situation, I got it under control using these products. Phew!

Products for Spot Prone skin

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