Category Archives: Features

Best Books of the Year 2020

2020: the year of self-isolation. Luckily, there have been lots of brilliant books to help along the way. I have been mainly relying on my iBooks account and reading PDFs of books kindly sent by publishers, rather than ordering hardcopies / being sent hardcopies  which has been (yet another!) different experience altogether. Alongside my rolling Book of the Month book reviews, here are some other truly fantastic books I have read this year:

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The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

We have all had that moment of joyous realisation: if one small thing hadn’t happened, then our lives would have been so different. If I hadn’t got that Saturday job, then I wouldn’t have learned how to… or, if I hadn’t gone out that day then I wouldn’t have met… or, if I hadn’t had that teacher, then I probably wouldn’t have been so interested in their subject at school… The consequences of our actions, however small, can delight us.

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