Category Archives: Culture

Jane Austen’s House Museum

Jane Austen's House Museum

Two hundred years ago Jane Austen left her house in Chawton for Winchester for medical treatment, where she died in July 1817.

Jane Austen's House Museum

This is the house where Jane Austen lived from 1809 to 1817. Here, she revised her earlier novels Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice and saw them published. She wrote Mansfield Park, Emma and Persuasion and began her last and uncompleted novel, Sanditon. Continue reading Jane Austen’s House Museum

Two Stories: Virginia Woolf and Mark Haddon

Two Stories Virginia Woolf

‘In a way it’s easier to do a short thing, all in one flight that a novel. Novels are frightfully clumsy and overpowering of course; still if one could only get hold of them it would be superb. I daresay one ought to invent a completely new form.’ Virginia Woolf. Continue reading Two Stories: Virginia Woolf and Mark Haddon