The Thursday Murder Club

When a book gets this much buzz, I want to know more about it!

The Thursday Murder Club is set at an exclusive retirement village where a group of four residents set about solving old, unsolved murders. The four unlikely sleuths – a retired nurse, a retired spy, a retired psychiatrist and a retired trade unionist, all enjoy a good chat over the cases (and a nice bottle of wine!) and their combined life experience is perfect for problem solving.

Then, a murder happens, right under their noses. Can The Thursday Murder Club beat the police to catching the culprit?

In a community where everyone has secrets, solving the puzzle is not always so straightforward, even for our group of experts. Throw in a few red-herrings and things characters would rather forget (or… not?), then you have a classic case of straightforward crime fiction.

The Thursday Murder Club is a very readable book – perfect if your reading environment is far from quiet and you often get interrupted – as you will easily be able to find your place in the story again. It feels like a very ‘British’ story – bumbling police, cups of tea and homemade cakes, and quirky characters abound. We don’t delve too deeply into character psyche and, for a crime story, it’s not unpleasantly gory, so it’s a good book if you want to start reading crime for the first time.

The Thursday Murder Club was published by Viking in September 2020. 


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