Introducing Surrey Bunny.
I’m very excited to share my latest project with you. Surrey Bunny is a new animation series on YouTube, following the adventures of a bunny who loves exploring exciting places, pursuing her favourite hobbies and generally having a good time!

It’s a hand-drawn, stop-motion animation, so each movement in the film is created with a new drawing that changes slightly from the last giving the film a nostalgic ‘flicker-book’ quality. It’s a silent film with a universal appeal.

I wanted to create an animation that really embraces the physical aspects of drawing and line making on paper that moves away from the very computerised animations that we see so much of today. There is something so charming about a hand-drawn moving image that celebrates the unique quality of illustration and the imperfect nature of stop-motion films.
Click here to see the trailer of Surrey Bunny (Opens a new window to YouTube)
Future videos may have a mini storyline to follow, whereas this video simply serves as an introduction to Surrey Bunny.
My YouTube channel is: youtube.com/surreyedit
I really enjoyed making this trailer… I hope you like watching Surrey Bunny!