Lob Haircut

Lob Haircut

We are just past our ankles in September and it is time for a change.

Filled with bold ambition to edge towards a slightly different look, and tired of sporting long lacklustre hair, I went for a lob at the hairdresser.

I wish I could say it was down to some shrewd fashion forecasting on my part, that I went in armed with a scrapbook full of notions of a mane designed to rouse the motions, but, before I could  get comfortable in my push-up chair, my hairdresser simply barked ‘Lob!’ at me.

Lob haircut

Thrilled to be at one with the lingo, ‘lob’, or long bob, truly is the haircut du jour.

And I can now report, with about as much authority I can muster when writing about hair, that a lob is the most low maintenance cut one could ever ask for.

I did make a small contribution to proceedings, requesting that it be long enough to still tie back (this for me was crucial as lip gloss likes to hitch a ride on stray stands of hair that in turn leave fine pink sparkly streaks on my cheeks in the breeze).

I like that it can be smartened up, plaited or braided, quiffed, curled…

I’ve found it looks best bedhead style… which is no style at all really. The dream!

It even made me make this in vainglorious celebration:

Lob haircut

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